Neighboring Isn’t Always Easy…

by Kelly Dockery

Jennifer and Megan (names changed) are more than friends at StoneBridge. They are bonded in a dynamic partnership as they carry out a labor of neighborly love. Their combined efforts are a beautiful example of sharing the load in an exhausting situation of caring for an elderly couple with overwhelming need.

Jane and her husband Jerry, live in Megan’s current neighborhood and Jennifer’s previous one. Megan had met them over the fence and she and Jennifer made the connection during life group that they were all acquaintances. A beautiful story of sacrifice and selfless serving unfolds from here.

Jane was diagnosed with incurable lung cancer a year ago and given six months to live, but is still fighting and under hospice care. Jerry suffered a stroke, and both are unable to drive. Their health problems seem insurmountable, with both being smokers, and Jerry, a heavy drinker. Their needs are overwhelming, and being from New Jersey, have no family nearby to help. Every week entails grocery runs, shopping excursions, ABC store purchases, and expected personal social visits and calls. Together, Jennifer and Megan have devised a well run system to shower the love of Christ on them, meet their needs, but also maintain healthy boundaries that prevent resentment and burnout. Grateful hearts and easy personalities would make this situation more bearable, but not with Jane and Jerry. Their hearts are hardened, they can be demanding, and attention and help is expected.

Many dynamics are at play, as Megan and Jennifer navigate a weekly plan. Jennifer works full time and Megan has many responsibilities as well, so they divide and conquer. Jennifer handles the weekend needs and Megan takes care of more day to day requirements. Jane likes to shop, but an outing isn’t simple. She requires a motorized cart and full assistance. Finances are limited for this couple, and when funds are spent on their vices, both Megan and Jennifer must put all judgements aside and love them despite poor decisions. 

The situation is difficult at best, but these two ladies are committed to serving this couple and extending love and grace to them. They are strengthened and  motivated by their love for Christ and being a testimony of him, even though Jane and Jerry have hearts that are hardened to the Gospel. The Apostle Paul says in Colossians 1:29 I labor for this, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me, and Megan and Jennifer exemplify this strength as they do this work that God has laid before them, not in their own might, but through the power of the Holy Spirit allowing them to labor with HIS energy.

Megan comments that recently Jane has softened in her demands and has expressed more gratitude. She has lived six months past her prognosis and one can’t help but wonder if there is a greater divine work at play in her life. In the meantime, this team of servants will continue to love a difficult neighbor and trust in God’s plan and provision. They are placed for his purposes, equipped with his miraculous strength, and a reflection of selfless love and service. May you be encouraged to venture into a daunting situation with a neighbor, trusting God with the details.


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