Western North Carolina's conditions have been heartbreaking to hear, and our hearts go out to the people and familiar places that have experienced devastation. How can StoneBridge respond? We are working with Asheville Buncombe Community Christian Ministry (ABCCM). Our leadership team has developed a three-fold approach for the coming months.
This is our first and foremost task. We serve an amazing God who hears his people when they cry out to him. Please be in prayer for those who have lost their homes and businesses, for those who are still searching for lost family members and for those experiencing loss of life. Pray for the rescue and relief workers, for the doctors and nurses working long hours to help care for those hospitalized, for those in senior centers, and for those who are hurting. Pray for the organization of teams to come in and help in this dire time of need.
On-the-ground volunteers are needed. The more we learn about the extent of damage and loss of life, the more we realize how critical a coordinated effort will be. Our diaconate and RealLife Men’s Ministry are coordinating monthly relief efforts for all—families are welcomed to serve.
Recovery will be a long, painful process that will undoubtedly take months and even years. Long after the news cameras and FEMA are gone, the Church will be needed more than ever. As God gives us clarity as to how StoneBridge can best be a part of that long-term rebuilding process, we are committed to being the hands and feet of Jesus in the long run.
Monetary donations can be given directly to the StoneBridge Disaster Relief Fund. Click the button below and select “Disaster Relief Fund” from the dropdown.
Watch to see how we’ve been helping out in Western North Carolina.