Our mission is to engage in compassionate pro-life action: promoting the value of all human life. We support local pregnancy centers and other ministries that provide for the needs of families in crisis, so that they can experience the abundant life Christ brings.
Our team coordinates monthly prayer times, LoveLife prayer walks, church participation in local Pregnancy Resource Center events, baby showers for expectant moms, and support for other StoneBridge partner pro-life organizations.
Is the Lord prompting you to stand for life? LifeBridge is a group of people who love the Lord and love life.
Join us on the 3rd Sunday of each month at 10:10am. We gather for 10 minutes to pray for women or men faced with pregnancy decisions that they would be transformed by the Gospel message and empowered to choose life for their pre-born children.

StoneBridge is a House of Refuge
This applies to everyone in this church or people you know that need a place of refuge.
What we believe:
If you find yourself in an unplanned pregnancy, please know that the child you carry is made in the image of God and is intrinsically valuable and loved by him. He is knitting together the child in your womb. You are loved, and we will do everything within our power to help you carry and care for this precious child before and after birth.
What we won’t do:
This church family will not gossip about you, shame you, or abandon you. This is a House of Refuge, and we will not allow for the family of God to harm one another with words or actions contrary to the Love of God as revealed in his Word.
What we will do:
We will do everything in our power to remove obstacles that stand in the way of you having this child. There are people in this church ready to mentor you, throw you a baby shower, and connect you with resources inside and outside of our church (e.g. local pregnancy care centers). We will also hold men accountable for living out their calling to provide for and protect women and children.
Finally, if abortion is a part of your story and you are suffering, we want you to know God’s healing grace. Healing recovery studies are offered in small, confidential groups. We will be happy to connect you to one so you can walk in complete healing and freedom.
CLICK HERE if you need help.
If you are pregnant or know someone who is pregnant, you have an important decision to make.
Below are three pregnancy resource centers we support. Talk through your options with a caring peer counselor. Each center guarantees confidentiality and privacy and a commitment to your care, your choice, and your rights. You don’t have to face it alone. We can help.
Abortion Recovery
You are not alone … there is hope! The following are resources for when the time comes to take your journey towards healing from your personal abortion experience.
Restored Life restoredlife.us
Restored Life has been born out of a desire to help men, women and churches connect with healing abortion recovery ministry. A ministry of lovelife.org
GATE Pregnancy Resource Center
704-253-8841 | Email info@gateprc.org for more information | 24 Hour Text 704-456-9399
Serve with Us
There are many opportunities to join with our ministry partners and support the work they are doing. Whether it is your prayers, financial giving, or volunteering, allow yourself to be used by the Lord as we love on those who are in need.
Provides safe, loving homes where parents may voluntarily have their children cared for temporarily while seeking to restore stability in their lives. We prevent children from unnecessarily entering foster care during a family crisis and wrap around families with a loving network of supportive relationships. CLICK HERE for more information
Walk and pray on Saturdays, from 9-11 am at one of the busiest abortion centers in the southeast. 3236 Latrobe Drive. CLICK HERE for more information.
ERI is dedicated to equipping the pro-life movement to argue intelligently, honestly, and persuasively about abortion. CLICK HERE for more information.