Life groups create space to experience intentional community, care, learning and growth.
They give opportunities for life-giving conversations and relationships. They are the front lines in caring for one another and building relationships beyond a Sunday morning. Through prayer and the sharing and meeting of practical needs Life Groups allow us to know others and be known.
Grow in your faith and friendships!
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Common Questions About Life Groups
Life Groups are intended to be relaxed, comfortable and intentional Christ-centered gatherings to develop relationships with each other.
They are small by design - 10-13 individuals. Whether you are reading through a Bible study together, diving deeper into the weekend messages, or unpacking a season of life, our Life Groups are places where community is built and lives are changed.
Life Groups typically run from September through May with most groups taking a break during the summer months. However, if it is mid-year we will do our best to find a group that you can jump into.
Most groups meet at least twice a month, some meet weekly. The group or group leader usually determines the frequency.
Groups are hosted in homes. Some rotate houses within the group, while others have a set location.
Not all groups offer childcare, but quite a few do. You can see which groups offer childcare on Life Group Sunday.