One yard at a time

We’ve all passed by that eyesore, the overgrown yard on our street, feeling disdain for the jungle before our eyes, then moving on to the next task at hand. As we are placed for a purpose in our neighborhoods, how do we pivot our thoughts to the homeowners and their circumstances and show Christ to them? Blake is tackling this one yard and neighbor at a time.

Blake mowed lawns as a teen, owning his own business, and enjoying the physical work and satisfaction of his job. After living in an apartment for a number of years, he and his wife now have a home with a lawn he can care for diligently.

That eyesore was right next door to him. Instead of complaining about it, one day he simply mowed the unruly yard as an act of kindness. The neighbor was humbled and filled with gratitude. Blake was able to meet the gentleman and a relationship began forming. 

Blake noticed the yard across the street needed some care, too, so he worked on that one, then another a few houses down, then the one behind his home. Four lawns and four neighbors are now known to him, all because of his servant heart and the desire to neighbor well. 
Blake desires to simply meet them where they are and fulfill a need, regardless of their circumstances. One of the neighbors was reluctant to allow Blake to mow. After a few cuts, she is now smiling and offering him water. Some have offered to pay, so every other service or so he’ll take a little money, but that’s not his goal, only to love and serve them while doing something he enjoys—a solution to help make his neighborhood beautiful, but more importantly, to delight the neighbors.

How can you show creativity like this in your area? Instead of complaining about an HOA violation, maybe it’s time to offer help and “receive to yourselves without disputing” a neighbor without judging them, being placed for a purpose!


Neighboring Isn’t Always Easy…