Boxing Gloves for a Purpose

By Kelly Dockery

Children’s laughter is always coming from the backyard beside me. My neighbor has dedicated her retired years to having a safe haven for her grandchildren who were in unsafe and volatile homes in California. She now has custody of fourteen year old Aman, a delightful young man who loves to chat and shoot hoops in our basketball goal (his nana plans on getting one for him soon). God has often prompted me to take a break from my daily agenda to get to know him, and with no surprise, these conversations have led to a series of events worth sharing.

Aman grew up in the ghetto of Los Angeles and has lived with Cora for a few months now, attending ninth grade at Rocky River High School. He likes Charlotte, but is having a hard time adjusting and can hardly believe how we can have Amazon packages delivered and not stolen. He wants to get an after-school job and make some money to buy a phone, but has been robbed so many times, he fears it would disappear. In all of our chats, I sense his motivation and desire to make the most of his life. Fourteen year olds certainly have big dreams! 

He shared that he was being repetitively bullied at school by a classmate. The next day, Aman was out sick and the bully brought a gun to school and was caught. Aman recounts, “I think he brought it to hurt me, but Jesus saved my life that day.” We talked about his faith, his strained relationship with his parents, and how his nana had helped get him out of LA. I tried to meet him where he was, encourage him, and relate to him the best I could. God placed before me a divine opportunity to bless him through an old pair of boxing gloves.

One day he told me he always wanted to try boxing, and being a boxer myself, I seized the moment! Remembering my neighbors down the street had a heavy bag mounted in their garage and I had an extra pair of old gloves, an exciting plan formed in my head. After getting the ok from nana, I offered the gloves to him and his eyes lit up like it was Christmas. I talked to my other neighbors, who are believers, and they not only offered the bag, but also some basic lessons for Aman. Introductions were made and Aman is now a promising young boxer. 

On the way to get the bag, I introduced Aman to another Christian neighbor who needed pet care for her cats. He was hired on the spot. Maybe he will be able to buy that cell phone! God is not only meeting the physical and financial needs of this young man, but more importantly, spiritual needs through the influence of Christ followers who can further Aman’s faith journey and healing from a troubled past.

Is there something collecting dust that you can offer to a neighbor? Is there a connection you can make between neighbors? Don’t miss the open opportunity to see how God has so strategically placed you in your cul de sac for a holy purpose. 

I haven’t seen Aman as much this week. I understand he is too busy boxing and landing more pet sitting jobs.


Neighboring Isn’t Always Easy…


Celebration Sunday