Neighboring in Green

Cold weather and busy lives lead to quiet neighborhood streets and quickly shut garage doors. Spring provides neighboring opportunities to coax people out of hibernation, and James and Cynthia Mitchell took advantage of Saint Patrick’s Day to summon their street into community and celebration.

An invitation was placed in about 30 mailboxes up and down their street to drop in for food and fun. Cynthia decorated her home in green and provided theme-inspired appetizers. With no RSVP on the invitation, they prayed and waited to see who God would bring to the party.

As the doorbell began to ring and neighbors flowed into their home, a warmth spread with neighbors connecting, laughing, and reuniting. Cynthia was so grateful that not only did she meet many new friends but that surrounding couples made connections with their own neighbors, and friendships were forged, bringing their street together with a new sense of community.

Numerous comments were made about the need to make this not only an annual event but the desire to have more gatherings. James and Cynthia are now thinking about possibly hosting impromptu socials every other month.

Sometimes we just need an occasion with seemingly unimportant or important meaning to give a reason for a party! Look ahead on your calendars, as we have many significant summer dates ahead, with Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day on the horizon. Draw your immediate neighbors together in this way, taking the Mitchell’s lead of trusting God with the outcome. Take advantage of the warm weather, your backyard and give your community a reason to come out of hibernation!


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