Flexing Our Relational Muscles

To take the path of least resistance is our natural inclination, whether it be physical or relational. How easy it is to strike up conversations with those similar to us, confident and assured of the low risk of rejection. In being Placed for a Purpose we are encouraged to simply befriend those we are in contact with, not necessarily evangelize or invite to church. Take some pressure off yourselves! We all need a friend, and the person behind you in line at Food Lion or the guy beside you at the gym may just need a human interaction or word of encouragement. 

I recently had the opportunity to chat with a StoneBridge member who, over time, has built a rapport with a group of men at his gym who are different from him in just about every single way.

“Joe” began with a backstory of sorts. He regularly met with three close Christian friends who attend different churches, but are all similar in that they are in the grandparent stage, enfolded in local congregations, and their lives are easy and—relationally-speaking—low risk. In discussing this, they turned to scripture, focusing on the fact that Jesus was a friend to sinners. They challenged each other to simply befriend those who need Christ, not evangelize or share the Four Spiritual Laws.

At his gym, Joe took this to heart. Very slowly and naturally, he cultivated friendships with ethnically-diverse men who accepted and confided in him. The friendly banter, fist bumps, and laughter became routine, as these men accepted Joe into their circle as a “no judgment zone” for them. Despite very different morals, use of language, and physical appearance, they all look past this in their morning workouts. These relationships were built slowly, but there is genuine trust and camaraderie. 

Last week, a guy named Trey seemed a little down. Because Joe knew his normal upbeat mood, he showed compassion and empathy and asked him if he was ok. Trey had some very personal and tough issues going on in his life and trusted Joe with some details. Joe relays that out of nowhere, the Holy Spirit put the words in his mouth, “Trey, you just need Jesus in your life. You can trust Him to love and care for you.” These guys know Joe’s faith and respect him for it. Trey, who is not saved, answered, “Ya know, that’s what my mom keeps telling me”. 

Because of their friendship formed over time, Trey received Joe’s encouragement in love, not rejecting him. Joe didn’t present the gospel or ask him to pray the prayer of salvation, but simply reached out to a friend in a time of need with the aptly-timed words God placed on his tongue.

StoneBridge, all it takes is slow and steady time to build friendships like this that earn trust and safety amongst each other. Let this story encourage you to simply engage with someone you are seeing on a regular basis, whether it be at the gym, on your morning walk, or at Starbucks. Maybe in your close circle of friends you can also challenge each other as Joe and his friends did. Our lives can be so enriched when we are in community with those unlike ourselves and are placed for a purpose. Trust God with the details! Maybe one day Joe will share the full gospel with Trey, but for now, a friendship is flourishing.


Neighboring in Green


Flipping the Script