Banners of Love

Every Sunday as we pull into church, we see the large banners displayed on the front lawn. DivorceCare and GriefShare are programs for those suffering pain from life’s difficult circumstances and are seeking relief and healing. Alcoholics Anonymous also holds bi-weekly meetings on our campus. Have you ever thought of the thousands of cars that pass every day? Can a roadside banner really make a difference? 

The answer is yes. Multiple members of our StoneBridge family can point to those banners as their first introduction to our church. Through the simple act of driving by a sign, people have connected with groups that have helped them heal from the traumas of life. And through those groups, people have begun attending our church, and eventually finding deeper involvement and purpose. 

We are encouraged and grateful for the front row seat we have to witness what being placed for a purpose really means. Even a simple banner, in God’s design, can be placed for a purpose.


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New Shoes for the Cupid Shuffle