An Intersection, A Red Light, and Some Shoes


Joel Wommack was on his way to work a few weeks ago with a box of random things and some old shoes to drop off at Goodwill. Homeless people routinely pace the medians along his route, and he had the thought that maybe one of them could use the shoes. But that particular day, the regulars were nowhere to be seen.

Several days passed with no time for a drop-off. But one day, he encountered a homeless man who was a regular. He was hobbling, had a cast on his arm, and had just passed Joel’s vehicle as he approached the turn. As the man turned around to walk back to the front of the line, Joel realized he was wearing slippers that were falling apart. As the light was about to change, he furiously dug through the bag to find the shoes and waved him over. The man limped over as fast as he could, knowing the light had just changed. Joel quickly passed the shoes to him and had just enough time to say, “I hope they fit, and God bless!” As he pulled through the green light, he could see the man waving and trying to thank him. Joel was burdened that he was so rushed that he couldn’t even get the man’s name.

pile of shoes

A week or so went by with no sight of the man. Then last Monday there he stood on the same corner and was sporting the new shoes! Joel was elated, and he told some friends about the encounter and asked for prayer so that they could chat. Joel really wanted to know his name and see if he needed any socks.

God’s timing is miraculous; the next day, he was there, and the light was just right for Joel to engage him in conversation and learn that his name was Justin. Not only did he remember Joel, but the shoes fit perfectly. When asked if there were other needs and if he needed socks, Justin replied politely that while socks are always nice, what he really needed was a large tent suitable for standing and changing clothes. He also desperately needed a job. Not being in a position to offer a job, Joel immediately wanted to provide him with the socks and then work on the tent. 

A relationship is being born and cultivated, even if only in hit-or-miss seconds of time. Receiving a cast-off pair of shoes, a kind smile, and being called by name could be transformative for Justin. Joel was placed by God on that street corner with the perfect pair of shoes and a willing and bold heart to share the love of Christ at the anointed time! Let’s pray for more encounters like this and for God to continue to use Joel in Justin’s life.


Trunk or Treat 2023


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