Registration Information
Registration is closed for the current ’24-’25 preschool year.
Classes are available for children ages 2-5 years old.
Children must be the age of the class they will be entering before August 31.
2025-2026 Program offerings are:
2 year olds:
2 days a week: M/W: $230/month
2 days a week: T/Th: $230/month
3 year olds (must be potty trained):
4 days a week: M/T/W/Th: $300/month
3 days a week: M/T/Th: $270/month
Pre K (age 4 by August 31 — 2 identical classes with different teachers)
4 days a week: M/T/W/Th: $300/month
3 days a week: T/W/Th: $270/month
Registration fee: $100
Registration for the 2025-26 school year has already begun for current students, alumni and the public. Several classes are already full; however we do have a waitlist.
To find out more information about registration or schedule a tour,
please email preschool@stonebridge.org