Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who are we?
We are a Christian Preschool open to all. Our faith is woven into everything we do.
2. What kind of curriculum do we use?
We believe that children learn best through play both inside and out. Our teachers take monthly themes (often based on children’s interests) as well as holidays and chapel stories, generate hands-on activities, read stories, and find other ways to integrate developmentally appropriate practice with the themes.
3. What is a preschool day like?
A StoneBridge preschooler’s day is fun and busy. Each teacher plans her own schedule, but each day most preschoolers will have circle time, center time (which includes free play), hands-on activities (e.g. crafts, science experiments, cooking, etc.) outdoor play time, snack and lunch. Each child has chapel once a week.
4. Do you play outside everyday?
Direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development, as well as physical and emotional health, so children will go outside every day unless extreme conditions exist. We even include rain boots on our supply lists! Outside time can include time on our Play Garden, outdoor classroom activities, gardening, games, snack or lunch. In extreme conditions recess time is in the Fellowship Hall.
5. How do we make sure the children are safe?
A safe environment is a primary concern. In the mornings, the doors are opened for the beginning of the day while parents are bringing their children to their classrooms. The director is in the hall monitoring who comes and goes. At 9:20 the doors are locked for the rest of the day. Anyone coming after 9:20 must ring the doorbell and be allowed in (upon identification) by a staff member. In the afternoons we have drive-through pick-up and the doors remain locked.
6. Do we have any “extra-classroom” activities?
Chapel is led by our director on Wednesdays and Thursdays to a multi-age group of 4 classes. Chapel includes a Bible story or lesson, singing and movement, praying, and celebrating birthdays and new babies. Each class joins our Music Teacher either Monday or Tuesday for learning through song, movement, and fun activities. In a typical year we are visited by firefighters, take a trip to the farm, and hold our Olympics in May—among other fun activities. Each class will have other programs and celebrations as the teachers integrate them into their curriculum. Parents, family, and friends are invited to our Christmas and End-of-Year programs in which all the children participate.
7. What are our teacher/student ratios?
Each of our classes has a lead teacher and a co-teacher.
4-day, 4-year olds: 2 teachers/16 students
3-day, 4-year olds: 2 teachers/12 students
4-day, 3-year olds: 2 teachers/14 students
3-day, 3-year olds: 2 teachers/14 students
2-year olds: 2 teachers/12 students
8. Does my child have to be potty-trained?
Children in the 3-year old and 4-year old classes must be potty-trained.
9. When can I register for preschool?
Our registration takes place during February. We begin with our current students and their siblings, continue with church members and alumni families, and then open it up to the general public. Open Registration usually takes place at the end of February or beginning of March. After Open Registration, please email preschool@stonebridge.org to check on availability. Waiting lists are kept and called from throughout the school year.
10. How can I prepare my child for preschool?
Accentuate the positive! Whenever talking about school, emphasize the fun your child will have and how caring the teachers are. Avoid talking about if they get scared or miss you – that can introduce an idea that wasn’t there before. Talk about what the day will be like and how you’ll be there to pick up after school. Also give your child opportunities to be away from you before preschool starts, even for short periods of time. Let them be assured that you always come back!
11. What if I have other questions?
Email us at preschool@stonebridge.org.