Philosophy of Education
Each child is God’s unique creation and uniquely gifted by Him.
By the nature of each child’s uniqueness, there will be numerous ways to learn, requiring numerous ways of teaching.
Teaching the same concept in numerous ways will not only reach different children because of their different learning styles and multiple intelligences but reinforce learning by providing varied approaches to the same concept.
Preschoolers learn through play.
Children need opportunities to be creative, and to complete an assignment in any way they choose.
Children also need times when specific directions are to be followed.
Children require consistency in such areas as classroom routine, behavior expectations, etc.
Life is not divided into subjects, therefore teachers need to look for ways to interrelate science, reading, math, etc. through a given theme or idea to more closely resemble problem-solving in real life.
Classroom activities should have a purpose and be done by children as much as possible.
We are born in sin and as such need to be taught how to behave “rightly”. We respond to children’s “sinful” behavior through positive encouragement and loving discipline.
God has a plan for each person including the family s/he grows up in.
Parents bear both the privilege and the responsibility for raising their children “in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Parents are the first and primary teachers of their children.