The Ultimate Surprise

On the third day, Mary Magdalene, numb and grief-stricken, goes to the tomb. Why is no one else there? After all, Jesus had been telling his followers that he would rise on the third day. You would think the disciples would’ve been camped out with great expectations. No, just Mary, alone in her despondance and agony, is searching for a dead Jesus. This shock of an empty tomb shatters and crushes her spirit even more, as she believes his battered and lifeless body has been stolen. Jesus, believed by her to be the gardener, calls her by name, and bestows on her a surprise unparalleled in all of history, that he was the risen Lord. Hallelujah! 

In this Lenten season, where is God surprising you and showing himself in small or large ways? What has happened in your life recently that is unexplainable by earthly standards and has grown your faith? Our living risen Lord is a God of detail and precision, working in the most minute details of our lives to display his glory. 

The etymology of the word “surprise” is taken from the French “prise”, meaning “taken”, and “sur”, meaning “over” or “beyond,” so to be surprised literally means being “overtaken” by something unexpected. 

When Mary experienced God’s divine surprise, she couldn’t contain her elation. She ran to share that Jesus was alive with Peter and John. When you experience God’s surprises, share the good news that he is alive and active! In being Placed for a Purpose, your story of delight and wonder could be exactly what someone else needs to hear. 
Stories of surprise are happening everyday in the body of StoneBridge Church. We want to hear your divine surprises, no matter how big or small.

CLICK HERE to share your story.

Kelly Dockery


Growing in Maturity


Chalk & the Gospel