Planting a Seed in the Park

It was a perfect weekday for Heidi DeNoyer to take her two young boys to the park to get out some pent-up energy and breathe in some fresh air. Until a few years ago, Heidi, a licensed psychologist, had not had this opportunity, working a full-time job, and actually had not pictured being a stay-at-home as part of her résumé.

The DeNoyers’ world was turned upside down in 2021 with the discovery of toxic black mold growing rampant in their Davis Lake home. A series of unexplained illnesses in their children finally had an explanation, however the lingering effects of mold exposure did not end. Due to their current and extenuating medical needs, Heidi left the professional world to give full-time care to her boys. Even though she knew it was right, it was a devastating loss to give up her career.

At the park, Heidi watched the harried interactions of a mom with three young kids. She was cleaning out their car, and Heidi heard the stress in her voice. As Heidi’s senses have been sharpened to struggling moms through her own experience, she began praying and asking God if she should approach this mother and if so, what should she say. She felt the pull of the Spirit and boldly approached this rattled mother with a sympathetic heart and the desire to comfort her.

Tamara and her children were living out of their car in the wake of leaving an unsafe situation. She confided to Heidi some of their needs. She wasn’t asking for any handouts, so Heidi asked if they could exchange numbers, which they did.

Heidi vividly saw the parallel between them, even though their lives were vastly different. Heidi and her family had escaped an unsafe situation in their home, as had Tamara. The texts began, and Heidi was able to convince her to accept some gas and grocery gift cards. She and another friend coordinated child care for Tamara while she interviewed for a job. Currently, she is living in a hotel, thanks to the help of another church family and the deacons. 

Tamara hopes to rent a one-bedroom apartment, as she will soon begin receiving paychecks. Heidi has shared information with her about Heal Charlotte and the Baymont Hotel, which could possibly see her to this next step of stability. In offering help, Heidi has sensed God’s prompting of when and what to offer, as Tamara is hesitant to accept help. More than anything, Heidi wants her to know she matters and that she is loved by God.

By her own experience of loss, Heidi says the Lord has humbled her. So many came to the Denoyer's side and radically helped in their time of need. A church member even gave them her home to live in for six months while she traveled. In response, she and Mike want to radically give back as much as they can to others. Heidi and Tamara’s relationship continues with frequent text messaging. Tamara and her kids spent Christmas Day with the DeNoyers. Tamara doesn’t know the Lord, but maybe a seed has been planted through the actions of others loving her as Jesus loves us.

2 Corinthians 1:4 says, “He consoles us as we endure the pain and hardship of life so that we may draw from His comfort and share it with others in their own struggles.” God consoled and comforted the DeNoyers in their own pain. What a pure and beautiful picture of that same comfort being shared with Tamara. May you be encouraged to engage with others as you sense the Holy Spirit’s nudge. He has placed you for a purpose! 


A Bridge from Church to Campus


Placed for a Purpose + God’s Timing