Placed for a Purpose + God’s Timing

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.  If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 4:10-11

The new year brings fresh hope and a clean slate to be intentionally filled with ways to love our neighbors. Take time to pray, asking God for opportunities in your neighborhood to share this grace and love and be placed for a purpose

Some members have shared their experiences of carrying out this command, and these  stories are all marked by God’s miraculous timing.

One family, who the deacons had helped with some medical bills, had signed up for a Christmas meal provided by the church. They ended up not needing all of the food, so decided to give it to some neighbors who were in a tough situation with job loss. They have passed on baby clothes and the wife has come to a Bible study.

Over the past months, Juan Rodriguez has befriended Brian, a homeless man on Sugar Creek. He and Kelsey put together a bag of supplies Brian needed. For months he had not been spotted so Juan took the bag out of his car. Last week, on a whim he decided to put it back in his car, just in case. Miraculously, there he was. Juan yelled, “Brian, meet me at the Shell station!” What followed were hugs, tears, and Juan sharing the Gospel with him. He was so excited about a flashlight that he could use to see inside his tent. 

Daniel Ellingburg’s Journey Group decided to do some yard work for Daniel’s neighbor. The wife declared this was a Godsend, as her husband had collapsed the previous day and they were in need of the help. This couple was beyond grateful for all the work done for them.

Be encouraged by these accounts of God’s provision to those in need and his perfect timing in bringing these servants to spread his varied grace! 


Planting a Seed in the Park


Trunk or Treat 2023