An Orchestra to Serve India

Sometimes God calls us out of our comfort zone into distant unfamiliar territory, requiring bold courage and obedience. And it is in this faraway purposed place that he reveals himself in a fresh way to our seeking heart, teaching us, and planting holy passion in our souls. Our purpose is then crystallized, and we are fortified to carry out our mission on familiar soil. Such was the transforming experience of every team member of our recently commissioned India team. 

After nine months of meetings and preparations, the team, led by Tiffany Griggs, Director of Global Outreach, traveled over eight thousand miles to Vijayalaxmi Memorial StoneBridge School (VMSS) in India to share God’s love with the children and staff. God did not waste a single personal encounter or conversation between the team and grateful recipients, but molded and shaped these servants for a greater purpose and deeper love for him through them.

Tiffany’s visual for each team she leads is one of an orchestra. She sees herself as the conductor, letting each member play the part for which they have passion and gifting. She doesn’t try to shape the team, but lets the team shape the trip, making beautiful music and glorifying God in the process. In playing their various parts, each member grows in skill and an awareness of previously unknown talents! 

Lufei Young did not want to go. She was suffering with back pain, and as a professor at UNC Charlotte, was also facing the looming and overwhelming work demands for fall. The call to go was undeniable, however, so she underwent back surgery in preparation and gave herself over to full obedience as a team member. Upon returning, her faith in God has taken on a new reality and depth. She remarks, 

“Every moment in my life is holy. In full submission to him, I know that he recycles all the garbage in my life for a purpose. Every second of my life was written in Genesis 1. I view every human encounter, every decision, even my struggles with my impossibly angry boss as a holy moment to give him glory. I am more present with people. I view my students differently, after witnessing the impact and maturity of our young team members. They are so capable. This semester, I allowed my students to help design my syllabus.” 

Lufei has already signed up for the 2025 trip.

Seventeen year old Mary Andreola had no doubts about God calling her to go to India. With all of the unknowns, preparing for the trip was hard. She learned she was capable of things she would never have imagined and that doing scary things is worth the fear and trepidation. She learned the value of hospitality from witnessing the generosity of the Indian people. Mary is excited to practice her own hospitality, grow in giving to others, and experience opportunities to be out of her comfort zone. She plans on going to Bible college and serving in the mission field as part of her education.

Sally Polk wasn’t anxious about the trip, but was overwhelmed by some personal situations in her life. Through her experience in India, God revived some old passions in her heart. While leading chapel at the school, she was reminded of her gifts in public speaking and being on stage. She returned with a renewed desire to write about her experience. She is praying about how God wants her to use these newly emerged talents.

Rylie Holladay, a recent high school graduate, shared that her experience was amazing, as she grew in her faith and realization of her abilities. She fell in love with the students, even asking her family what they could cut back on in order to sponsor another child. Instead of the next step of college, God has radically different plans for her. She has decided to take a gap year for mission work. 

StoneBridge, God knit together an orchestra of unsure and inexperienced “musicians”. By courageously serving in India, talents and passions were ignited in this team that will impact countless lives to come. Each member grew in their own faith and were humbled in some way by God’s goodness and love for them and his people. What is his call for you? Whether it is across an ocean or in your backyard, step out boldly, trusting him to equip and supply you with gifts you haven’t yet discovered! Be placed for a purpose!


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