A Life Changing Hour

It has been a joy collecting and curating stories from you, our StoneBridge flock, and I’m so inspired by the powerful ways God is working in our closely-knit community and Charlotte at large. Honestly, I’ve had some FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out), and was inspired to check out the service link on our website with a new mindset of participating, not just admiring all of the opportunities. As I navigated the offerings, I felt like I was on a cruise for a week, getting to pick an excursion based on my schedule, preferences, and personal comfort zone. This may be an exaggeration, but my point is that anyone can find at least one thing that will fit your criteria!

Second Harvest Food Bank distributes boxes of food on Wednesday afternoons to drive-in vehicles from their home church, Faith CME, in the Hidden Valley neighborhood. The time commitment was 4:45-6pm. Piece of cake, so I signed up. Melanie Zufall connected me with Ms. Roxie who coordinates the efforts. 

A quick summary of my time is this—I can’t wait to go back next Wednesday. One hour with this ministry affected me in ways I’m still processing. Only a pure heart to serve those in need and love of God would propel this ministry to carry out the labor intensive work they do, all to make sure hungry families have food for a week.

I arrived 15 minutes early and scanned for a parking spot, many cars were already wrapped around the drive. As I entered the church and introduced myself, a dear lady named Joy said, “Hallelujah, we are desperate for your help today!” Rolling up my sleeves and donning a required mask, she led me to meet Ms. Roxie, who gave me a brief tour of the operation. 

Tables in the breezeway were already lined up with large boxes to distribute. Each box contained a black bag weighed down with meat for a week, fresh vegetables and fruit, bread, non-perishables, and dessert. The items were top shelf brands, all generously donated from various grocery stores, restaurants, and individuals. 

Ms. Roxie led me at a quick pace to the room with five donated freezers, down a hallway full of carts stacked with food, then into a large pantry loaded with canned goods, beverages, protein bars, and snacks galore. I was overwhelmed by the amount of food donated, the number of volunteers, but mostly the sincerity of their mission of providing for the needy.

Ms. Roxie explained that when she retired, she told her husband she wanted to volunteer a few hours a week in some kind of food ministry. She relayed this to her pastor at Faith CME and she said, “Well, I guess you are now in charge of starting that here,” thus the ministry began and Ms. Roxie now works harder than her old day job! 

At 4:58, a heartfelt prayer was offered, thanking God for the opportunity to serve. Five pm came quickly and I’ve never experienced an hour flying by so fast. A few cases of fresh salsa were donated at the last minute and I was tasked with bagging three pints for each family, quickly placing these in the big boxes. Each vehicle was greeted so warmly, as many recipients were familiar to the ministry. Nearly 150 boxes were lovingly donated.

As the line grew shorter and excess food was before us, the amounts given became more generous. We began adding bananas, extra bags of meat, and bread. A few minutes after 6, three more cars pulled in, but these women and men would never turn anyone away. Three more boxes were assembled in no time flat to ensure no one went hungry.

My experience was uplifting, humbling, and eye-opening. I felt like I was a part of something so much bigger than myself, as about 10 of us from very different backgrounds came together to serve in God’s name. These people were so thankful for my help, so welcoming and loving towards me, even though we started as strangers. 

I can’t urge you enough to take part in this ministry. I loved every second of my short time there and truly am excited to return. My eyes have been opened to the significance and need for this ministry and I understand a little better how StoneBridge is placed for a purpose around Charlotte. We have so many opportunities to choose from, so go ahead and take the next step and serve! 

~Kelly Dockery


The People & Their Stories


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