Sugaw Creek Presbyterian
Last Saturday, the grounds of Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church were abuzz with activity. Around 50 volunteers from StoneBridge gave their time and energy to revitalize the oldest church in Charlotte, founded in 1775.
Interim pastor Caroline West, who oversaw the work, is passionate about preserving the church's rich history while also transforming it into a sustainable resource for the community. The church, with its sanctuary standing proudly since 1870, envisions a community garden, dog park, outdoor classroom, and a small museum of church history.
Volunteers tackled a variety of tasks, including sprucing up a well-worn walking path used by the elderly congregation. The path, embedded with large flat rocks that were once stepping stones for carriage riders in the late 1700s, was given a fresh layer of mulch, ensuring a smoother and safer commute for the community.
Behind the church, another group of volunteers cleared a plot for the community garden and constructed a fence using reclaimed branches. Children also joined in the effort, planting small seedlings for the garden.
At noon, everyone gathered in the sanctuary for a delicious lunch and fellowship. West expressed her gratitude for StoneBridge's efforts and shared her vision for the church. The sanctuary itself reflected the church's commitment to the community, with rows of pews removed to be repurposed for an outdoor classroom at a neighboring school.
By the end of the day, the grounds of Sugaw Creek Presbyterian Church had been transformed, thanks to the dedication and hard work of the StoneBridge volunteers. Their efforts not only revitalized the church but also strengthened the bond between the church and the surrounding community.
Thank you StoneBridge volunteers, for loving and serving your Charlotte neighbors and caring for the oldest congregation in our city. God has truly placed us for a purpose and there are countless ways, in addition to this, that we can live that out for our Lord and Savior.