Hope in a Hotel Lobby

Atmosphere is everything, and the laughter of children can turn an empty nondescript hotel lobby into a warm and inviting oasis of joy. This past Wednesday night, the kids and their moms trickled into the Baymont Inn lobby, lured by the aroma of hot pizza and the promise of games and fun. StoneBridge Church, in partnership with Heal Charlotte, is placed for a purpose in hosting an every-other-week reading and game night for families in crisis who have been given a 90-day temporary home at the hotel. From their first day in this safe haven, a social worker is advocating for them to eventually have sustainable housing, resources, and a greater sense of dignity and independence. 

After a poorly-attended first attempt two weeks ago and much prayer, the Lord certainly had plans, evidenced by eight energetic kids and four single parents showing up to partake in the fun. Those of us who were there to help were so encouraged and delighted at the response! The Baymont lobby was bright, clean, and cheerful, and the perfect spot for the event. The best way I can describe the vibe was joyful and peaceful at the same time. In all my encounters with the children and parents, each one had a quiet strength and hopeful spirit about them. Despite these families being currently homeless and in need of the Heal Charlotte accommodations, I never heard a word of complaint or self-pity. As usual in situations like this, I am the one coming away with the bigger blessing.

I first met Consuela and her 9-year-old son Noah. Consuela works long hours at a childcare facility, and Noah is thriving at Movement School, a charter school off Freedom Drive. She has plans for them and is so determined to make the best life she can for them both. I then met Sharlene, a mother of four who is working two jobs six days a week while supporting her kids in all of their school work and extracurricular activities. She was so thankful for RJ, Heal Charlotte’s case worker, who is helping move her to a more permanent housing situation. These moms are so proud of their kids who are flourishing in their schools, one being her 17-year-old daughter who dreams of going to Johnson and Wales and being a seafood chef! 

One other mom came in briefly, then left her 13-year-old daughter in charge of two other daughters while she tended to her 12-month-old cranky son. When she asked if she could leave them, she proudly remarked, “My daughters are so smart and capable,” and they certainly were.

After they enjoyed their pizza, the broad age range of kids listened intently to Jill Lord read her self-authored book about dreaming big in your career goals. Pro basketball players, artists, and astronauts were just a few of their aspirations. Joan Young moved them to the game portion, where they enthusiastically acted out charades and other interactive games.

Sharlene shared her gratitude for the Heal Charlotte program and what a blessing it was. I asked what it was like living in a hotel. Without complaining, she described the challenges of four people living in one room with no kitchen; however, with her instant pot and an electric skillet, she was able to cook healthy meals for her family. I was humbled, vowing never to complain about a lack of space. 

Brent spent some time with a single dad and five children. He writes, 

“I had some very special time with one of the dads, listening to his heartbreaking story and praying with him.  PLEASE join me in prayer for this man.  He is a single dad with three girls (16, 14, and 12) and a son (17) and works nights pressure washing commercial buildings.  In the past year, he lost his mom to COVID, his dad to cancer, and had another son murdered.  One of his daughters was violently molested as a 4-year-old and is still suffering PTSD from that, along with being regularly bullied at school because of her worn, second-hand clothes.  Needless to say, any ONE of these issues would be incredibly difficult for someone to go through, but all of them together, I don't know how he's still sane and moving forward, other than by God's grace.”  

Dave Young spent time with a young couple and their one-year-old son, and they asked to be picked up for church this past Sunday. 

StoneBridge, God is moving mightily among his people, particularly when we place ourselves in these corners of Charlotte and love others through kindness. 

As the event came to an end, the warmth of the evening settled on us, and it was hard to leave these precious families. We had bonded with them, and they had been vulnerable in their sharing, seeing us as safe and supportive. I’d say the most touching was nine-year-old Noah, who began crying when he realized we were leaving! We assured everyone we would be back in two weeks and I believe the word is out and will travel fast among the Heal Charlotte families. We will continue to pray that God will move in this place and all of the supported families will descend into the space next time. We will be ready with open arms to extend love, hope, and prayers for them, being placed for HIS purpose in a hotel lobby. 


A Literal Pampering


Offering Help & Hope