Availing Ourselves to the Impossible

Saint Francis of Assisi would often exhort his followers, “Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” 

The necessary is having our church doors open and the buildings ready for Sunday morning services and keeping our church operational. The possible, but not necessary,  is having 170 eager kids and tireless volunteers on our campus last week for VBS and hosting Sunday evening’s “Stop the Violence” event for Greg Jackson and his dynamic ministry, Heal Charlotte. 

Gladly welcoming events such as these to our campus takes energy and effort and can easily be dismissed with justifiable reasons of lack of staff or resources. According to St. Francis, however, impossible jaw dropping experiences giving testimony to God’s power will ensue as the possible, not just necessary deeds become daily and weekly endeavors. This is the embodiment of being placed for a purpose. 

Paul says in Colossians 1:29 “For this I toil and struggle, striving with his strength that works powerfully in me.” This perspective is humbling, convicting, and reassuring at the same time. The “possible” can be accomplished with fervor, energy, and strength that is not our own. 

Sunday night’s Stop the Violence event was one that without a doubt, was tackled and executed by volunteers with no hesitation of its purpose to accomplish what our human minds would think impossible: Taking back the city of Charlotte from the multiple forms of violence that plague our streets. I am thrilled that StoneBridge generously opened our doors to host this occasion.

As a volunteer, I had no idea what to expect from this event, as I wasn’t sure who the audience was or even the overall purpose of the event. I came to serve by greeting attendees, but I was served personally by God through the people, their words, faith, passion, and dedication to their ministry. I was humbled and inspired on many levels.

The energy of Greg’s volunteers was palpable and electric in the room. Most of his helpers were personal friends who volunteered regularly for Heal Charlotte in addition to full time jobs. A few I met came not fully knowledgeable on details of the event, but simply knew God was moving powerfully through what Greg was doing. They arrived with zeal for the evening and joy in their attitudes. 

Food trucks were in place when I arrived serving up down home meals, such as fish and chips, Caribbean chicken, and funnel cakes. Cooling misters welcomed everyone outside to the picnic tables to combat the heat. Conversations between StoneBridge volunteers and Heal Charlotte volunteers were in full swing with no racial boundaries drawn.

Everyone gathered in the sanctuary to be welcomed by Greg and the excitement was audible with clapping, amens, hugs, and cheers. Greg clearly articulated that on this night he wasn’t a pastor or a ministry leader, but a servant of the Lord, motivating all of us with his fervor. 

Next, a panel discussion of 8 very credentialed ministry leaders took the stage, answering questions from the moderator about vision for the city, how Jeus would be responding to needs if he were in Charlotte right now, among many more soul searching questions and conversations. The Holy Spirit was emphasized and how we have access to the Spirit at all times! 

Following the panel was a heartfelt, emotional, and stirring sermon by one of the panel members. She referenced Joshua 6:2  when God said to Joshua, “Behold, I have delivered Jericho in your hand”. Then he gave them 13 tasks to do before the walls would fall. Her point was that God GAVE them the city, then told them what to do. I love how scripture is alive and a passage can take on new relevance in a new situation. I was encouraged, but my heart was pricked for my lack of faith in turning the tide on crime in our city. Finally, the hip hop musicians took the stage in front of a hyped excited crowd.

I highly encourage you to watch the recording of this service if you haven’t. I couldn’t absorb all of the rich wisdom shared in the panel discussion and plan to view it and take notes.

This night was held to raise awareness of what Heal Charlotte is doing right here in our city. Last night was the “possible”, but it has opened my mind to see a vision, drive, and boldness to rescue Charlotte from violence. Imagine a city that lays down its guns, drugs, and corruption in surrender to Christ. I trust God will continue to reveal to Greg what his next steps should be to bring about the impossible and I want to be a part of it, laboring with his energy, even if it is simply being a greeter. StoneBridge, we are placed for a purpose, and our individual and corporate purposes come with opportunities given to us to be seized and acted upon to fulfill a part of God’s plan. Let’s be available to accomplish and witness the impossible!


A Perfect Fall Night


Bus Tours