kidsMin FAQs & Wellness Policty

Check-In FAQs

Where is the Children’s Ministry Entrance? Located to the right of the Main Entrance. Look for the flags!

I am a visitor; how do I register?
First, visit the Children’s Ministry Entrance to register your child. Here you will receive a name tag and pick-up card. The tag and card will match to provide a secure pick-up of your child. Want to pre-register? Click here!

How do I know where to take my child?
Enter through the children’s ministry entrance and after you check in you will be guided to your child’s class. SBlittles (0-4-year-olds) takes place during both services. SBkids (K-5) takes place during the 10:30 service.

How do you contact me if my child needs me?
Your child’s name tag will have a number on it which will be displayed on a digital box above the right screen in the sanctuary if you are needed, or we will contact you via text.

What are your cleaning protocols?
The rooms will be sanitized before and after each use. Toy use and sharing will be monitored by our teachers. Hand sanitizer will be available in all rooms.

Will snacks be provided?
Snacks will be provided for Toddlers-4's only. Feel free to send your own snack if desired (no nuts please).

Nursery FAQs

How old does my baby have to be to start in the StoneBridge nursery? We welcome your baby anytime after 8 weeks of age

Is my baby separated from older toddlers?
We promote children from our infant/crawler room to the toddlers class as soon as they can walk confidently.

What do I need to bring?
Your baby or toddler will need a labeled diaper bag with diapers, a change of clothes, a labeled bottle or cup and any items your child will need to be content during their time in the nursery. We offer Nilla Wafers unless instructed otherwise by a parent.

Who cares for my child?
Volunteers are parents, other loving adults, and teens that have a heart for our little ones. All volunteers over 18 years old are given a background check. We strongly encourage our parents to join a nursery rotation.

Do you have a nursing mothers room?
StoneBridge has a nursing mother/cry room accessible from the lobby.

What are the sanitation procedures in your nursery?
To prevent the transfer of germs, all baby toys are sanitized, linens are laundered and larger toys and equipment are wiped with sanitizing wipes after each use.

What is your Wellness Policy?
In order to promote the health and wellbeing of our children and families, children who show signs of illness or who have been ill within the last 24 hours are asked to stay home. Such illnesses include, but are not limited to:

  • Fever of 100 degrees or higher (within the last 24 hours)

  • Cold virus with coughing, sneezing and/or drainage

  • Yellow or green discharge from nose or eyes

  • Conjunctivitis (pink-eye) or any possible sign of it

  • Drainage from ears

  • Vomiting (within the last 24 hours)

  • Diarrhea (within the last 24 hours)

  • Contagious, questionable or unidentified rash

  • Diagnosed with or suspected to have any communicable disease/infection

Children’s Ministry Volunteers are empowered by our staff to make the decision about the wellness of a child however, they may also consult with and defer to a Children’s Ministry staff member.

No medication will be administered to any child by caregivers. Parents are asked to administer necessary medications themselves.

Special Notes to Parents

Head Lice & Contagious Diseases: If, after being in the nursery, your child becomes sick with anything contagious, such as head lice or chicken pox, please call the church ASAP to inform a staff member. Communication will then be sent to parents of any exposed children, while keeping the infected child/family anonymous.

Child Abuse & Neglect: We are required by North Carolina law to report suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect. If such a case should arise, the alerted staff member will report it immediately to the director, who will notify the Protective Services Unit of the Department of Social Services.