Give to BTI
Your gifts to Bridge to India will be an investment in a child, and will change a generation.
Our Sponsorship Fund allows children the resources needed to live and receive an English education while being cared for, mentored, and loved.
Our Campus Fund is directed towards paying staff, maintaining infrastructure, and more. Some current and specific needs are:
Text Books - Government and Asian ($4,100)
Notebooks and Stationery ($3,500)
Uniforms ($3,500)
Shoes ($,1750)
Display Boards ($350)
Vacuum Cleaners ($250)
Fogging Machine for mosquitos ($500)
Earthing for apartments, stage, and laundry ($1,200)
Boys wash rooms renovations ($4,750)
Outhouse iron sheet roof repair due to damage by monkeys ($3,000)
Paving and road repairs ($20,000)
Curtains and mosquito mesh ($1,200)
New Keyboard, Yamaha PSR SX720 ($1,300)
Outdoor Stage floor tile replacement ($4,500)
Painting ($1,200)
Steam Cooking Equipment Upgrades ($4,500)
Vegetable cutting machine ($425)
Refrigerator for vegetables ($300)
Inverter and Battery for power cuts ($300)
Play equipment for small children ($6,500)
Trampoline ($400)
Kabaddi floor mats ($5,250)
Gym equipment for teachers ($1,750)
Color printer ($500)
Storage Systems ($1,000)
All donations are tax-deductible.
If you would prefer to send a check, please make payable to Bridge to India and mail to:
Bridge to India
3700 Prosperity Church Rd.
Charlotte, NC 28269
Thank You!