Savoring the Lord’s Supper
At StoneBridge we celebrate communion together on the first Sunday of each month. Make a commitment to attend and use the suggestions below to help prepare for this special feast.
Prepare your heart before you come to church or by arriving early to the service.
Examine yourself. Self-examination allows us to see specific places where we are sinning or where our heart is not in the right place. Ask God to reveal any patterns of sin we may not recognize.
Confess your sin to God as he makes you aware of it. Ask for his forgiveness, and focus on the provision he’s made in Christ.
Consider what God may be calling you to do to correct your actions or make amends, especially as it concerns people that you have sinned against (see Matthew 5:23-24).
Accept God’s forgiveness. This is not merely a time to consider how bad you are, but how great God is to give us forgiveness and freedom in Christ. Believe his promises; look forward rather than backward. (see 1 John 4:8-9, Romans 8:1)
Recommit yourself to him. Ask him to strengthen your faith through the service and through the very act of taking the bread and wine.
As you take the elements, remind yourself that you belong to him, and that despite your sin, Jesus is your hope. Pray, reflecting on this hope!
Dig deeper into the meaning of communion with these resources.
What is the Lord’s Supper? By Richard D. Phillips (copies available at the Welcome Center)
The Lord’s Supper as the Sign and Meal of the New Covenant by Guy Prentiss Waters.