Food Collection, Distribution and More
Food and More Collection Sites
Receiving nonperishable food and/or toiletries any time.
4100 Johnston Oehler Rd. Charlotte
The WearHouse - receiving clothing and home goods
M-F 9am-6pm or Sat. 10am-5pm
Camino Church - receiving nonperishable food
T-F | 2:30-5pm
133 Stetson Dr. Charlotte
Food Distribution and Meal Prep
Charlotte Rescue Mission - Join our StoneBridge volunteers to prepare and serve dinner from 3:30-5:30 the second Monday of each month. Ages 5+ CLICK HERE
Meet for breakfast, lunch, coffee, or dessert at Community Matters Cafe. It's more than a place to dine, it’s a life skills program for students graduating from the Charlotte Rescue Mission.
Hope St. Food Pantry provides a three-day supply of groceries and toiletries to recipients. Volunteers are needed on site Tuesdays and Thursdays for food distribution and monthly for delivering food boxes to seniors at Prosperity Creek Apartments. Ages 10+ with supervision CLICK HERE
Lifeline Charlotte Centre is a place for the Charlotte community to come together to address the problem of world hunger. All ages and abilities can be part of the solution!
Your participation provides nutritious meals to children and families facing hunger in our community and around the world: students, refugees, families, as well as communities recovering from natural disasters.
Camino exists to equip people to live healthy, hopeful, and productive lives and they do it in multi-pronged ways with a bilingual approach. Ongoing service opportunities include volunteering in the WearHouse (thrift store) or at the Food Farmacy (food pantry).
The True Vine Ministries was started 17 years ago in uptown Charlotte by Pastor Kennard Martin, to feed hungry people - both physically and spiritually! Each Wednesday (rain or shine) from 4-5pm, Pastor Martin shares the gospel with dozens and dozens of unhoused people living in and around First Ward Park, and provides a pizza meal and other necessities like sleeping bags, coats, gloves, etc. Volunteers are needed to help serve food and necessities, and to fellowship with guests who come.
No need to sign up. Just make your way to the northwest corner of the park at 4pm and Pastor Martin and his wife will put you to work!